lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017


And about me... Well, I'll introduce myself. My name is Eloy Linares Gallego and I'm studying at Frederic Mompou high school in 3rd of ESO grade.

If you don't know me and you want to recognize me easily, just look for a boy with brown hair and a toupee, that's me!

I have one sister, her name is Aroa and she's 18 years old she works in a restaurant in Pallejà, this restaurant is called La Molinada. When I grow up, I will work as personal trainer and I will have my car.

I'm a very handsome boy and I like sport and especially football, I don't like Coca-cola but I like Fanta. I play in a football team called "Penya Barcelonista Sant Vicenç dels Horts" in my town. I like to eat and to sleep.

I have never been abriad, the farthest I have been is Andorra, this is a beatifull country. I don't have any pets but I would like to have one pet, one cat, I love cats!

My friends consider me a very funny person.